4th Grade Tours
Your 4th Grade Class is Invited to Mission San Antonio de Padua
Our Museum features Native-American and mission-period artifacts, a grape-crushing vat, wine cellar and models of the mission and its outbuildings. In the music room you will be greeted by authentic mission-period music and an audio lecture. We also have outdoor exhibits including a water-driven grist mill (grain-grinding). Our Parish Church has recently had all of its historic statues cleaned and restored. The quadrangle garden has been renovated and now showcases native plants, roses along the pathways, a restored fountain, educational areas showcasing items from the Mission’s history and it offers a place of peace and serenity to both daily visitors and overnight guests.
For those students aiming for an A+, we have a 4th grade packet that includes much more information on the Mission. This package is available in our gift shop at a cost of $20 (plus tax); it is available for purchase by phone for $32 (includes postage, shipping, insurance & tracking.) Please call 831.385.4478, ext. 17, during Gift Shop hours, with your credit card information, to order your package, or email: giftshop@missionsanantonio.net.
Docent-led tours are offered to groups for a nominal additional fee. Be sure to inquire about availability when booking your tour.
If your class would like to visit Mission San Antonio, please call ahead to reserve a specific date and time. We will send you an informational packet and additional details. Contact our Giftshop at 831-385-4478 ext.17.